Emeritus Professor Ferran Casas Aznar
Ferran Casas Aznar is Emeritus Professor at the University of Girona, after 10 years as Senior Professor of Social Psychology in the Faculty of Education and Psychology at the University of Girona (Spain).
He leads ERIDIqv research group (Research Team of Children’s Rights and their Quality of Life) at the Research Institute on Quality of Life (IRQV), University of Girona.
He is one of the coordinators of the Children’s Worlds International Survey (ISCWeB), promoted by ISCI and the Jacobs Foundation.
He was the Chair of the Experts Committee on Childhood Policies of the Council of Europe (1992-1996). The last days of his mandate he promoted a Recommendation on children participation in family and social life, that was adopted by the Committee of Ministers in 1998 (R-98-9).
He participates in several international research projects, four of them supported by the European Commission. The methodology he developed on “children’s rights dilemmas” has been translated to different languages and replicated in several countries.
Altogether, he has authored or co-authored 22 books, edited or co-edited 8, more than 100 book-chapters (in 9 different languages) and over 100 papers in scientific journals. He is one of the co-editors of the 5-volumes Handbook of Child Well-Being. Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective